Essential Mineral Complex (30 per bottle): 30-Day Supply

Essential Mineral Complex

  • 30 Capsules
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  • $14.97
    • $18.75 (Save 20%)

30-Day Supply

$14.97 Save 20%

90-Day Supply

$39.97 Save 28%

About this item

Because of today’s farming practices, food choices and personal health issues, there’s a good chance that you may be deficient in minerals or at least have sub-optimal levels – and you don’t even need to be deficient in minerals to experience the negative effects of low levels.

While you can also run low on some of the more major minerals – called macrominerals – low levels of trace minerals are very common.

To support your immune health, metabolism, thyroid health, fertility, normal detoxification processes, heart and bone health and more, Essential Mineral Complex is formulated to supply you with seven key trace minerals: *

  • Zinc
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Manganese
  • Chromium
  • Molybdenum
  • Boron

To help assure optimal absorption and biological activity, we provide each mineral in its chelated or advanced form.

Trace minerals play a key role in so many of your body’s functions, so why risk sub-optimal levels? Be proactive by helping to protect your health, happiness and longevity with the essential trace minerals your body depends upon, and order Essential Mineral Complex today.*