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Just like it’s important for you to uphold good dental hygiene, the same goes for your pet. Brushing your pet's teeth as often as possible is the number one way to prevent dental disease and keep your pet in good health. Eco-Friendly Pet Toothbrush is the perfect tool to help you promote your pet’s healthy smile.
Unfortunately, even though dental problems can cause pets pain, there are usually no apparent symptoms unless you regularly check your pet’s teeth. If you’re not keeping up with your pet’s oral health, a buildup of dental plaque could turn into harmful dental disease, which can potentially affect your pet’s heart, liver, and kidneys as he gets older.
Be proactive with your furry friend’s health, and brush his teeth daily with the Eco-Friendly Pet Toothbrush.
Shipping Restrictions:
We are unable to ship this product to Canada at this time.
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