Foundation Training - From Pain To Performance

Foundation Training - From Pain To Performance

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  • $59.99
    • $74.99 (Save 20%)

About this item

Foundation Training is a series of exercises based on integrating the muscular chains of the body.

Foundation Training is a 2-disc DVD set that contains 8 Fundamental Sequences and 6 daily workouts.

By training with this 168-minute 2-disc DVD set, you can quickly learn the tools you need to fix many of the chronic pains plaguing your daily life. Once you begin to move properly, you will engage more muscles in every step you take, sport you play, and exercise you choose to do.

All ages and fitness abilities can benefit from Foundation Training because it teaches your body to move as nature intended. You will reach new heights in physical health and feel improved control of your body.

No equipment is necessary and you can do it just about anywhere. Your body adapts quickly to these natural movement patterns, so much so that you begin reinforcing them throughout your day without having to think about it.

Now is the time to take yourself from pain to performance.