Secrets of Anti-Aging Tele Clinic: 3 CD Set

Secrets of Anti-Aging Tele Clinic

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  • $49.95
    • $62.45 (Ahorro 20%)

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Yes, you can slow down the aging process. Based on research from around the world, this three-CD set and 60+ pages of written transcripts of the "Secrets of Anti-Aging" teleclinic provides you with highly useful tips and tactics for staying young longer.

It can take years for research like this to be accepted by the traditional medical community and even longer until it’s broadcasted by the mainstream media. Fortunately, you can be steps ahead by implementing these coveted tips into your life. Led by Dr. Ron Rosedale, M.D., the top anti-aging doctor in the country, and co-hosted by me, the "Secrets of Anti-Aging" reveals:

  • Five practical ways to support healthy skin.
  • How to increase your energy as you age.
  • How to improve joint discomfort and flexibility.
  • The crucial role supplements play in healthy aging.
  • How to promote cognitive function.

Dr. Rosedale interprets complex scientific research into practical steps you can take to promote vitality and improve the way you feel. Order your complete set today.