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Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World starts with filmmaker and narrator Cori Brackett's poignant story about how she discovered aspartame's ill effect on her health (when she was diagnosed with M.S.).
The film includes interviews with an impressive list of medical experts from across the U.S.-including renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock-documenting the devastating health effects of long-term aspartame use.
Loaded with compelling interviews, you'll hear:
How aspartame creates a "ticking time-bomb" of neurological diseases such as brain cancer and M.S.
Key dialogue with Arthur Evangelista, a former Food and Drug Administration investigator, who exposes how far major conglomerates went to legalize the use of aspartame in the United States.
Many heartfelt conversations with some of the aspartame victims-those suffering from related illnesses as well as those affected indirectly.
This DVD will shed much-needed light on the controversy surrounding aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Watch it with your family -- to improve your health and your life!
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