Buteyko Breathing Method DVD and Book

Buteyko Breathing Method DVD and Book

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  • $49.95
    • $62.45 (Ahorro 20%)

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The Buteyko Breathing Method is the most effective, natural, self-help method for the relief of breathing problems.
This highly acclaimed, professionally produced DVD and book teaches you the Buteyko Breathing Method based on clear facts and simple, easy to learn steps.

Do these symptoms sound familiar?

  • Constant tightness or wheezing, especially after exercise
  • Coughing
  • Poor concentration, lethargy (no energy)
  • Excessive production of mucus in your nose and chest
  • Broken sleep and tiredness
  • Tension, headaches

Incorrect breathing can cause these and other problems!

So use this breathing method to regulate your breathing, reclaim control and begin to restore yourself to good health.

The Buteyko Breathing Method has been clinically researched and tested:

Trials undertaken in Brisbane, Australia, showed people taught the Buteyko Breathing Method were able to reduce Bronchodilator usage (symptom related medications) by 90% within six weeks; along with a marked improvement in quality of life (they felt much better).

The Buteyko Breathing Method provides consistent and long term results for those who maintain this method.

Through a series of exercises, the Buteyko Breathing Method DVD & Book will teach you to normalize your breathing, stay in control, and avoid problematic breathing symptoms.

Now is the time to start! So help yourself, place your order, learn the Buteyko Breathing Method and feel the benefits.