In our quest to provide the finest food on the planet, we search for sources that go far beyond nutritious and flavorful. We look for food that exceeds expectations – not only for taste and quality but also for environmental impact and for human health.
That’s the inspiration behind Solspring® Biodynamic® Tomato Paste.
With only simple ingredients, our sauces and pastes never contain any artificial colors, flavors or ingredients. Our tomatoes are cultivated on a small family farm in Northern Italy within sight of the majestic Southern Alps. They are part of a vibrant tradition that challenges the conventional view of agriculture, called Demeter Certified Biodynamic® farming – the original regenerative agriculture and the oldest ecological standard in the world. This is farming in the service of life.
Biodynamic farmers treat the entire farm as a living organism, with a focus on nurturing the health of the soil. Farms that earn Demeter certification meet the highest standards in agriculture. Reaching beyond a complete rejection of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, biodynamic farms employ crop rotation, animal husbandry, composting, homeopathic treatments and cover crops to pull carbon out of the air and store it into the ground, where it belongs, for richer soil. Healthy, living soil means healthy plants, animals and humans. This is the way to produce food – not as conquerors of the earth, but as custodians.
Our Biodynamic® Tomato Paste provides a hearty, flavorful base for sauces, stews, beans and marinades, with just a single gram of natural sugars per serving. Be part of the biodynamic revolution, and start crafting your own culinary masterpieces today with Solspring® Biodynamic foods.