Are you dying in the dark? According to authors Marc Sorenson, Ed.D. and William Grant, Ph.D., you may be if you’re not getting enough natural sunlight.
The most comprehensive and important book ever written on the critically important benefits of sunlight for human health, Embrace the Sun presents the truth about non-burning sun exposure.
Here are just a few of the facts you will learn from this meticulously documented and exciting book:
A Swedish 20-year study shows that women who seek the sun have half the risk of all-cause death compared to those who avoid the sun.
A Spanish study demonstrates that women who are sunbathers have only 1/11 the risk of a hip fracture compared to those who avoid the sun.
Three-quarters of all melanomas occur on areas of the body that are seldom or never exposed to sunlight.
During the past 80 years, sun exposure has decreased by 90 percent and melanoma risk has increased by 3,000 percent.
Women who totally avoid the sun have 10 times the risk of breast cancer as those who embrace the sun.
By reading Embrace the Sun, you’ll learn how to:
Profoundly reduce the risk of breast cancer and 19 other cancers, including melanoma.
Reduce the risk of heart disease, hypertension and other vascular diseases.
Dramatically reduce the risk of, and potentially reverse, osteoporosis.
Reverse depression and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, multiple sclerosis, infertility, psoriasis and many other diseases.
Promote weight loss.
Bottom line… Sunlight deprivation may be nearly as dangerous as cigarette smoking. Your entire biology is programmed to respond to the environmental cues of sunlight, so you simply can’t live without it.
Improve your health, extend your life and lighten your mood. Order your copy of Embrace the Sun today.
From Dr. Cedric Garland:
This book is a tour de force for health effects of exposure to the sun. It explains and provides evidence of the immense benefits of the sun for human health that have been sadly neglected since the previous century. It is written simply enough and in such a light-hearted vein that any intelligent fifth grader can and should read it. Actually, every literate man, woman and child age 12 and older should have this book and should read it thoroughly. It is the best single source on the many positive yet neglected roles of sunlight in human health. It also should be required reading for every upcoming doctor in training and all health care professionals.
Cedric F. Garland, Dr. P.H., F.A.C.E. Epidemiologist. La Jolla, California
Embrace the Sun has also received endorsements from Cedric Garland, Dr. PH., Michael Holick, MD., Carole Baggerly, Van Strickland, MD., Adiel Tel-Oren, MD., Prof. Jörg Spitz, PH.D., Shira Miller, MD., John Cannell, MD., Prof. Afrozul Haq, PhD., and Barbara Boucher, MD.