Healthy Rewards

  • Healthy Rewards

    Healthier Choices. Richer Rewards

    Earn your way towards Market Cash with every dollar spent and redeem on your favorite products. The best part? It’s totally free.

  • Mercola Market Box

How it Works

  • 1Create an account

  • 2Earn while you shop

  • 3Redeem market cash at checkout

Membership benefits

Earn more of what you love with Healthy Rewards.

Spend per year
$10 Market Cash
Every $200
Every $100
Every $100
Birthday gift
Daily discount
Exclusive Access to Sales
Exclusive Early Access to New Products

You’re automatically a Market Member when you create an account. As you place orders, you’ll climb the tiers and unlock even more benefits.

How Your Rewards Add Up

The more you shop, the more you earn.

  • $10

    Market cash

    for every $200 spent

  • $10

    Market cash

    for every $100 spent

  • $10

    Market cash

    for every $100 spent

Your coupon(s) will be accessible at checkout – select Market Cash to apply the discount to your order.
Coupons expire 90 days after activation.